Solidarity with the militants and organizations of the Revolutionary Left in Argentina!

Stop state terrorism against the workers’ movement!
On Monday 3/6, the Federal Police of Argentina, using a court order, attempted to raid the central facilities of the Partido Obrero in Buenos Aires.
This attempt was the escalation of a crude, terrorist state attack by the Milei government against labor movement, the piquetero movement and its militants, especially those of the revolutionary left who have been the backbone of this movement since its birth in the uprising of “Argentinazo” in 2001 until today.
This well-orchestrated political persecution against the most combative parts of the movement began on May 13, when the police with disproportionately large forces raided at night dozens of social spaces, solidarity kitchens and houses of militants causing great material damage and terrorizing popular neighborhoods.
In fact this is an open conspiracy set up by the government of the neo-fascist Milei and the Minister of National Security Patricia Bullrich with the sole purpose of terrorizing and criminalizing the combative vanguard of the working class. With false and non-existent accusations, a flimsy indictment was set up for alleged “money misuses, corruption, extortion” etc., which aims to tarnish the combative vanguard and the militants of the revolutionary left. A revolutionary left which is deeply rooted in the working class and has been fighting for decades with self-sacrifice for the survival of the poor popular masses, which are crushed by the capitalist crisis and neoliberal policies.
After all, it is this fighting vanguard and the revolutionary left that combatively defends the interests of the workers and the poor popular masses, constituting de facto the real opposition against the far-right government of Milei, as shown by the recent large popular mobilizations which managed to stop an important part of the extreme neoliberal attack of the Milei government.
These struggles that hinder the plans of the Milei government are the real reason for the repression against the militants and the self-organised structures of the movement!
From O.K.D.E. we send our class and internationalist solidarity to all the comrades persecuted by the neo-fascist Milei government!
From Greece to Argentina we to strengthen our common class struggles to defend the conquests of the working class, against our corrupted governments of the rich, repression and war.
– Hands off from Partido Obrero and all the militants and organizations of the Revolutionary Left! Struggle for the defense of democratic rights and freedoms!
– Defense of the self-organization structures of the movement! Down with state terrorism!
– In Greece and Argentina, with class and international solidarity, let’s smash the plans of the state and capitalists!