Υπέρ του ΟΧΙ ! Μηνύματα διεθνιστικής αλληλεγγύης από Αυστρία, Αργεντινή, Βραζιλία, Βρετανία, Ιρλανδία, Τουρκία, επαναστατικές οργανώσεις και διεθνείς τάσεις (κείμενα στα αγγλικά)

Κόμμα Εργατικής Δημοκρατίας

(Τουρκία – τροτσκιστική οργάνωση)

No to the blackmail of imperialist banks!

We want to give our support to the workers, people, unemployed, poor and youth of Greece aganist Troika’s oppressions. We are in favour of the call to NO in the 5/7 Referendum. We totally believe that the Greek people’s and workers’ struggle against Troika will have a sudden effect on all European and world’s working class movement.

Down with the Memorandums! Down with the blackmails of the EU, the ECB, the IMF, the US and European imperialists!

For an Social Emergency Program – For a Workers’ Way out of the Crisis

No to the payment of external debt!

For the nationalization of the all banks!

Long live the Internationalist Solidarity!

Εργατική Πάλη (Αυστρία – τροτσκιστική οργάνωση)

Dear comrades of OKDE,

we express our solidarity with the struggle of the Greek working class against the further impertinence of EU- und IMF-leaders. This gang of henchmen of banks and speculators tries again to blackmail the Greek people. Despite our criticism of the Reformist SYRIZA-politics we therefore support your campaign for an OXI at the Referendum. This campaign is a part of the class struggle of the Greek working class.

In the face of the baiting of the EU-politicians and bourgeois media we see our task in explaining the real situation in Greece to the Austrian working class and in promoting an internationalist class position. We do this with our regular bulletins/leaflets in large factories in Austria.

We wish you the very best for your campaign and the building of your organisation!

Μήνυμα από τροτσκιστές αγωνιστές στην Αργεντινή

NO to imperialist blackmail !! No to the payment of the external debt !!

We want to give our inconditional support to the struggles of the workers and youth of Greece against the Troika and all their measures. We are in favour of the call to NO in the 5/7 Referendum

* Suport the struggle of the working class, the people, the poor and the youth in Greece!

* Down with the catastrophic Memorandums! Down with the blackmails of the EU, the ECB, the IMF, the US and European imperialists, the “Markets”!

* For an Social Emergency Program – For a Workers’ Way out of the Crisis

* Long live the Internationalist Solidarity!

Juan Carlos Giordano (candidate for Vice President, Left Front (FIT) and Left Socialist leader), Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero and Edgardo Reynoso (leaders of the militantrails metro, UnionRailway line Sarmiento), Miguel Sorans (Left Socialist leader)

Socialist Democracy (Ιρλανδία – τροτσκιστική οργάνωση)

OXI! – No to the Troika! No to capitalist tyrany!

On Sunday a crucial battle of the European class struggle will be fought on Greek soil. The Greek workers face devastation at the hands of the Troika. They must vote Oxi (no) in order to defy European capitalism, to say they do not accept the diktats that demand their destruction and to provide a secure beachhead from where they can begin to advance their own class interests and put the needs of everyday life above those of the financiers.

The battle is also crucial for capitalist Europe. Gone are all claims that a painful austerity will lead to recovery for all. Their own figures show that their programme will decimate the working class and that generations will be needed to rebuild society. What we have here is the savage logic of class struggle – Greece must be obliterated in order to convince the European working class that there is no hope and no alternative.

Above all the battle is crucial for Syriza and for the socialist and democratic forces across Europe that offered unconditional support to their programme. They have argued that capital will respect democracy and that a compromise is possible where they workers can both pay the debts of the bankers and speculators and also enjoy economic growth. If they believe that they should be mobilising in their hundreds of thousands to prevent the coup that is mobilising against Greece.

In reality European capital, with the support of the IMF, have called finis on the idea of a democratic reform that can protect the working class. What is left is a naked class struggle and the need for us all, across Europe, to organise in our own class interst and begin the expropriation of a capitalist system that grows more barbaric with every passing day.

The following statement was adopted at an assembly of the Diadema branch of Sindema (Sindicato do Trabalhadores de Diadema). Sindema is the trade union of the public workers. Diadema is located near Sao Paulo.

We, the Diadema branch of Sindema, support our brothers and sisters in Greece who struggle like we do for dignity and a future worth living for. The Greek working class struggled in the last years heroically against the financial sharks of the Troika. They cut their wages and pensions and the unemployment rose to the highest amount in the whole EU.

We support the campaign to vote NO/OXI in the referendum and reject the new attacks on working people. We stand in solidarity with the struggle against austerity and EU imperialism.

Long live international workers solidarity!

Workers’ Liberty (Βρετανία)

The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty sends our message of solidarity to the Greek workers’ movement. We support the struggle of the Greek working class against the capitalist offensive that they have faced since the opening of the crisis.

Capitalists in Greece and Europe, acting in a political alliance, have worked to take advantage of their economic crisis – and attack workers’ organisations, and make the poorest pay.

The strikes and struggles of Greek workers, and their political fight, including with the election of a Syriza government, have provided the workers of Britain and Europe with an example of how to fight back.

We support the campaign for a “no” vote in the referendum: we agree with the slogan, “make the Greek question a European question”. We hope that the defiance shown by Greek workers will shake the bourgeois rulers of the European Union and inspire new defiance by workers across the EU.

We will organise solidarity in the UK with the Greek workers’ movement and struggle for a workers’ government in our country, international solidarity, and a workers’ Europe.

International Workers Unity – Fourth International (IWU-FI)

(διεθνής τροτσκιστική τάση)

 1 July 2015

NO to imperialist blackmail, NO to the Troika and the EU, NO to the payment of the foreign debt

The working people and youth of Greece are experiencing key moments in their struggle to come out of the constant imperialist blackmail, the blackmail by the Troika (IMF, European Union-EU and European Central Bank) which for years has been imposing packages of cuts in their wages, pensions, and privatisations and all forms of plunder of their riches. All this to pay a fraudulent and unpayable foreign debt, carried out by governments accomplices of the IMF and the international banks.

Given the new imperialist blackmail, the Syriza government has been forced to call a referendum in Greece on Sunday 5 July. The situation has reached such a point that on Tuesday the government of Syriza had to stop paying the foreign debt, an instalment of €1.6 billion. The Troika, the IMF, the bosses, the bankers and the Greek right, could not prevent the referendum and fear a triumph of the NO. All of them have set out to promote the YES to continue with the “memoranda” and cuts to the Greek people.

The workers, youth, popular sectors and the left have taken to the streets to repudiate, once again, the Troika and calling for a NO. We join in solidarity with that call. Say NO to the Troika, the IMF and their cuts, NO to the payment the foreign debt, NO to the blackmail of the EU, Merkel, Hollande and Co. A massive and resounding triumph of the NO will be a political defeat of the Troika and will strengthen the Greek working people to continue mobilising to stop this looting.

Around the world imperialism and the agents of the IMF and their lackey governments, conduct a scaremongering campaign against the supposed catastrophe it would mean for Greece to stop paying the debt. False. The real humanitarian catastrophe is what they have created imposing the so-called “bailouts” piling up more and more debt, then imposing conditions of starvation and plundering of the Greek people. Unemployment has reached 27 percent and the lowering of wages, pensions and social spending in many cases exceed 40 percent. The only solution to this humanitarian crisis is to break with the Troika and stop paying the debt. These billions of euros must be used for increases in wages and pensions and for better health and education.

Regrettably, the government headed by Alexis Tsipras and his party Syriza, which claims to be of the left, since taking office in January instead of fulfilling its mandate to end the memoranda, followed a policy of negotiating with the Troika, yielding to their pressure with further cuts. The results are plain to see. The Troika was emboldened and continued blackmailing and demanding more cuts to wages and pensions. Only under pressure of the people and even of sectors of Syriza’s left wing, Prime Minister Tsipras was forced to call the referendum. But there is a danger that once again the government of Syriza will give in to pressure. An example of this is the current request by Tsipras and his minister Varoufakis, to negotiate a “new bailout plan” to cover the payments of debt maturities over the next two years. In other words, Syriza itself is requesting a negotiation for new plans of further foreign debt. This should be rejected by the Greek people and youth. The path of half measures has already shown to be useless for the workers. The workers and youth must demand from the government of Syriza to go all the way with NO in the referendum and return to the popular mandate of the electoral victory of 25 January and not give in to blackmail by the Troika. No deal with speculators and those who have sunk the Greek workers in misery.

Important sectors of Syriza’s left, grouped in Left Platform, have spoken out against any new covenant with the Troika and for the suspension of all debt repayments and for the nationalisation of banks. This is very positive. We call these sectors to demand from the government and Syriza not to give in to the Troika.

Alongside them, other sectors, trade unions, and student organisations and of the left, including Antarsya and OKDE which are not members of Syriza, have raised similar banners and call for support to NO and to mobilisation. It will be essential, given the policy of half measures headed by Alexis Tsipras, to achieve unity, a front of all these sectors, for the triumph of NO and then to give continuity to the workers’ and popular mobilisation for the break with the Troika, the EU, the Eurozone and the payments of the foreign debt; money for salaries, pensions, work, health and education; for the nationalisation of the banks to prevent capital flight and avoid savers to lose their funds, for the cancellation of privatisation and workers’ and popular emergency plan.

From the IWU-FI we join the campaign and mobilisation for the NO in the referendum of 5 July. We call on the workers and youth of the world to show solidarity with the Greek people. In particular we call on workers throughout Europe. Given the imperialist bloc of the Troika with European governments we must advance in a block of the workers and peoples. There is a huge responsibility of the trade unions and the left, in Europe in particular, not to leave the Greek workers alone in this so unequal clash. The workers across Europe are risking their future in Greece. We call on the trade unions and the left to promote actions of solidarity with the struggle of the Greek people. A victory for the workers and youth of Greece will be a triumph for all those fighting the adjustment plans and cuts of imperialism and the multinationals and their accomplice governments.

International Workers’ League – 4th International

(διεθνής τροτσκιστική τάση)

All to the streets in defense of “NO” in the Greek referendum!

Greece will hold a referendum on Sunday to accept or reject the “agreement” proposed by the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF). If you win the YES be applied over an austerity plan and a reduction in wages and more rights.

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, set aside diplomacy and openly called for the Greek people vote for the YES.Angela Merkel rejected a proposal last agreement made ​​by Tsipras, hoping to win the YES in the referendum.

Imperialist propaganda blames the Greek people by the current crisis. It is a lie to serve European banks, the big winners by the austerity plans. The result of the implementation of such plans in the past five years shows that falsehood: the country’s situation only worsened.External debt increased production country fell to levels similar to depression. Workers and the Greek people had their wages reduced, their rights attacked.

The people must defeat this new pressure of imperialism. It was against these plans that the Greeks made ​​35 general strikes. It was against that Syriza government that was elected in January. So we called the vote NO in the referendum.

For consistent anti-imperialism

Tsipras is campaigning for the NO. But Tsipras NO and NO Greek workers must be very different.

Tsipras advocates NO to return to the negotiating table with the Eurogroup and get an austerity plan a little different. He threw away the Thessaloniki agenda and commitments with Greek workers in elections (increasing the minimum wage, repeal any labor reforms of the previous government). He retreated to his promises in order to get a “restructuring” of the debt, which would keep intact the austerity policy.

The Greek government presented a plan to creditors including the gradual raising of the retirement age from 62 to 67 years, in addition to gradually eliminate subsidies and raise taxes to retirees. Also increased gradually, the fiscal surplus of 1% in 2015 to 3.5% of GDP in 2018. He agreed with almost all the impositions of the Troika.

Was that austerity that imperialism did not accept because he wanted more heavily on retirees, more unemployment, more privatizations.Tsipras was forced to call the referendum because it would be forced to make so many concessions that would mean political suicide. But he wants the referendum to strengthen and … return to the negotiating table.

NΟ of the workers should be the starting point to rescue what Tsipras promised before negotiations: rising wages and pensions, to privatization and austerity. That can not be changed by a restructuring of the debt, illegal and odious.

Today we can not say what will happen with the referendum. Imperialism makes a campaign of terrorism by the press, as if the rejection of the agreement and the possibility of Greece leaving the euro would be a catastrophe. As if the disaster was not the current crisis in the country caused by the austerity of the past five years.

The closure of banks and the retention of bank deposits this week, as determined by the government to avoid a generalized run, he helped create the climate of uncertainty. But, one may ask, does the government was not bound to it by the pressure of imperialism? Yes and no. I had to do that because there nationalized banks, central to rescind the blocking of the European Central Bank measure.

The rich were not affected. While the negotiations were conducted, the big bourgeoisie and the banks withdrew the money still had within Greece and transferred to tax havens.

The Tsipras government will be responsible in case the campaign of imperialism is victorious and win the YES. It was the Greek government that sowed the reactionary illusion that it was possible an agreement with the Troika that would benefit the majority of the population. There is no possible negotiation to reconcile the interests of the majority of the Greek people with imperialism.

Remaining in the euro area and the continued payment of debt mean submission to the German and French imperialism, and acceptance of more austerity. NO in the referendum should be the starting point of a plan of mobilization of the Greek workers, bypassing Syriza government objectives.

Greek workers need to take the country’s fate in their hands, saying NO to this and all austerity plans. Workers must go on the offensive with their own demonstrations. The victory of the NO must be followed immediately with the expropriation of the banks to prevent the continued capital flight. We must break with the euro and the payment of debt.

We support the mobilizations around the world to support the struggle of the Greek people against the impositions of imperialism. We go to the streets to support the NO in the referendum on Sunday. Particularly in Europe, these demonstrations should require governments to shameful pressures on the Greek people and the government Tsipras, and defend the cancellation of Greek debt.

Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Greetings to All Greek Socialists Who Are Campaigning for a Vote of OXI in 5 July Referendum

The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) sends its warmest greetings of solidarity to all Greek socialists who are campaigning during these dramatic days for a loud and clear vote of OXI in the Referendum to be held on 5 July!

The last few days have demonstrated once more the reactionary and imperialistic nature of the European Union which is now seen for what it truly is – nothing but an instrument of the robber banks and corporations! The EU leaders are enraged that the Greek people are no longer prepared to accept their being plundered and robbed by the oligarchs!

Recent days have also shown how the SYRIZA-led popular front government is wavering and refuses to undertake any consistent struggle against the EU-Troika. It is only due to the forceful pressure of the Greek working class that the government even dared to call for a referendum.

Similarly, these days have once again illumined the reactionary nature of the KKE-leadership which is refusing to call for a vote of OXI in the referendum. In their words, the KKE-leadership may presume to be left-wing critics of SYRIZA, but in their deeds they are no more than accomplices of the imperialist EU and the Greek oligarch parties, ND-PASOK-Potami.

The RCIT repeats its call to adopt the following three measures which are absolutely necessary to commence the revolutionary rupture with the EU imperialists and the Greek oligarchs:

  1. a) Immediately nationalize all banks and financial institutions under workers’ control! This is the only way to avoid the financial bleeding and blackmailing of Greece by a small gang of greedy oligarchs.
  2. b) Immediately nationalize all of the large organs of the media under workers’ control and give free and open access to them by all workers and popular organizations! This is the only way to stop the hysterical campaign of the corporate press which is intentionally attempting to intimidate the Greek people.
  3. c) Immediately withdraw Greece from the Euro Zone and the EU! As long as Greece is a member of these imperialist clubs, the country will be dominated by the big monopolies and great powers.

Furthermore, it is vital that socialists begin and continue to organize all workers and youth in action committees at their workplaces, and in their neighborhoods, schools, universities, and villages. Such committees will then serve as the basis for developing full, direct democratic mass councils (like those which were called soviets in Russia in 1905 and 1917). We support calls for a national congress of delegates from local action committees and organizations of the workers’ movement in which they will discuss and vote on a plan to carry on the fight in this grave situation. In addition, it is absolutely urgent to being to form self-defense units which will defend the workers’ movement from the fascists of Chrysí Avgí (Golden Dawn) as well as from the police.

* Solidarity with the socialists in Greece who are campaigning for a resounding vote of OXI in the 5 July Referendum!

* Victory to the Greek workers and youth!

* Long live international solidarity!

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